our brand of hope
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: hope looks different at Cathedral Home.
Read on to learn about our changes and find your place in the work of hope.
big change requires all of us
In learning more about our supporters, we realized that you follow us here & on social media because you care and want to make a difference for youth & families.
Big changes require all of us and woven through the new site are ways for you to use your passions to make an impact.
hope comes from work
Hope is something built over time.
Every new experience, moment of safety, or newfound skill adds up over time to equal hope.
Our mission is to provide clients with as many positive minutes, hours, and days as possible so they have a big armful of hope to take with them to their next stage.
The new site will show you ways we help clients build assets through our unique programs like: mountain biking, barista training, equine therapy, specialized education, and more.
you can help
So many of our conversations with supporters are about wanting to do more.
We understand.
It can feel dismaying to try and digest childhood trauma and its impacts on a person's life.
We believe there are tools we all can use to help make it easier for people to rise from trauma. You can find them here.
hope means more
Without trauma, one might have an easy time imagining the future to be good.
But with trauma and ongoing toxic stress, our lifetime's potential is at risk.
So hope requires work and risk.
Hope requires showing up when things feel impossible.
Our clients, and others whose lives are shaped by trauma, do the work of hope every day.
We are proud to share that with you through our new updates.
the time is now
Our goal in rebranding was to support you, our supporters, in your quest to learn and take action.
We know you are with us because you care about children and families, and everyone's right to see the future with hopeful eyes.
Here you can learn about responding to trauma, careers serving youth and families, and ways that financial gifts can impact the lives of others.
this house is hope
And all the little things that build it.
Each triangle symbolizes the moments, days, and experiences that lead to a person finding hope. They build a foundation to rise from trauma.
These triangles are bike rides through the Happy Jack Trails.
They are therapy groups where clients realize they aren't alone. They are meals cooked together that remind us of home.
They are memories. Assets. Experiences. A collection of days where we can rest sure we were loved.